Dissatisfaction with penis size is a problem. Men continue to look for new tools and methods that help increase the thickness and length of the penis by 2-3 centimeters.
Penis enlargement with baking soda is a new and modern way. At first glance, it may seem strange and ineffective, but male reviews claim that the option works. And this is due to the composition of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
Advantages of the method include the availability of the product - it is sold everywhere at low cost. It has been observed that sodium bicarbonate does not directly affect the genitals, but promotes blood thinning, which appears to be an important effect on the background of penis stretching.
Let's think about how to enlarge the penis using baking soda, and is it true that this method can help change the size of the penis? What are the beneficial benefits of food powder, and what are the side effects?
Effect of baking soda on the penis
Sodium bicarbonate is in the kitchen of every home. This has found wide application not only in cuisine, but also in medical practice, especially in alternative medicine. The powder gives the creation of an alkaline environment, as a result of which oxidative reactions are flattened, that is, it allows you to get rid of free radicals and toxic substances.
Baking soda is characterized by its disinfecting and disinfection properties, it has a drying effect. It is believed that it helps increase the size of the male reproductive organs. This is due to the fact that sodium bicarbonate improves blood circulation, improves metabolic processes, which provokes little penis growth.
Sodium bicarbonate stimulates blood thinning, which in turn normalizes blood circulation. If you combine soda bath and penis massage, then the arterial blood flow into the phallus increases, respectively, the kavernous body is stretched. As a mono remedy, baking soda does not work. The effect is observed only in combination with other techniques, for example, vacuum pumps, Jelqing techniques, Clamping and others.
When a man uses baking soda - apply it to the penis in the form of an ointment, then there is a slight expansion of blood vessels. But the effect is temporary, it quickly disappears.
Other useful properties of baking soda include:
- Destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
- Relieves inflammation of the prostate gland. As you know, prostatitis has a negative effect on erectile function;
- If taken internally, blood is cleansed of toxic substances and toxins, metabolic processes are accelerated, and immune status is improved;
- Increases the body's resistance to viruses, fungi and infections.
Important! Baking soda is only used as an additional method to enlarge the penis. Regular use increases potential.
Using sodium bicarbonate for penis enlargement

There are many uses for baking soda for penis enlargement. But three are popular - massage, component-based baths and compresses. Massage is a manipulation that allows you to dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow and warm the soft tissues of the reproductive organs.
Before starting a massage, the penis must be heated. This is done in a variety of ways: you can take a hot shower / bath, shower for the penis, or apply a heating shield on the penis. For massage, you need to mix the powder with plain water. The result should be moist material.
"Ointment" is used for massage. A small amount of the mixture is applied to the penis, rubbed onto the shaft with a stretching motion. The duration of manipulation is 10-15 minutes, no more than once a day. After such a procedure, hygiene measures are performed - using regular hygiene products.
The disadvantage of massage is that it dries the skin. So, after that, some fat cream is applied on the penis, rubbed well. The second option for penis enlargement with soda is a bath.
There are several options:
- Add one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to 250 ml of hot water. Mix well to dissolve the powder completely. Dip the penis into the container for 10-15 minutes, then wash with running water and begin to stretch.
- Add 1-2 packs of sodium bicarbonate to a full bathroom. The manipulation period is 30-50 minutes.
Reviews note that the second method is more effective, because it cleanses the body of toxins, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. But the last statement is dubious, because baking soda dries the skin vigorously, causing a feeling of tightness and discomfort.
Soda can be taken orally. To do this, add half a teaspoon of powder to 250 ml of water, drink 30 minutes before eating. Drink once a day. Duration - up to one month. Often, the option of "drinking" is combined with external use.
Compress with baking soda for penis enlargement: add four tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate to 250 ml of water, stir. Dip a cotton swab into the liquid, squeeze a little, wrap the penis with a cloth for 20-30 minutes.
Important! Keep in mind that soda has contraindications and side effects, so the above method is not suitable for all men.
Other Soda Recipes

There are other recipes with less popular baking soda. For example, olive oil + sodium bicarbonate. Mix the components in equal proportions to obtain a homogeneous consistency. The mixture is rubbed on the erect penis. Then stretching exercises are done. It is worth noting that this method not only helps enlarge the penis, but also has a positive effect on erectile function.
To make the penis thicker, use Asterisk Balm and sodium bicarbonate. The essential oils contained in the balm speed up blood circulation, provide a healing effect, help increase potency and increase erections due to the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvis.
The recipe is to mix one tablespoon of baking soda and the same amount of plain water. Then add a little balm - literally on the tip of a knife. Again, mix the homemade ointment thoroughly.
Application Features:
- The ointment is rubbed with a massaging motion only onto the shaft of the penis;
- Massage duration - 10-15 minutes;
- At the end of the procedure, wash the product with plenty of water.
Important! You can mix honey and baking soda. Take 50 ml of honey and two tablespoons of baking soda. The component is applied to the penis and left for 20 minutes. Then they are washed with water.
Contraindications and adverse reactions
Baking soda should not be taken orally if you have a history of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and / or duodenum, gastritis. Overdose can result in mucosal burns.
It is not recommended to use baking soda externally if the patient has diabetes, urethritis, thrush, cystitis or allergic dermatitis. If there is a wound, scratches on the penis, sodium bicarbonate is not used.

When taken orally, side effects arise: loose stools, abdominal pain, indigestion, deterioration of general well-being - headache, nausea, weakness and lethargy.
Intensive consumption of soda-based products creates a negative phenomenon:
- Inflammation of the skin.
- Bruise formation.
- Painful sensation (continued for several days).
- Appearance of microcrats, boils and wounds.
Because sodium bicarbonate is alkaline, in other words, it destroys microbes, it can cause microflora violations. In a man, local immunity is reduced, leading to diseases such as thrush (candidiasis) or balanitis (inflammation of the foreskin).
Baking soda products help dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. The penis is swollen, but only slightly. But as soon as the effect is flattened, the phallus becomes the same measure. It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the method. If he helps, then it takes years.
Alternatively, it is better to use a penis enlargement device. Attributes are served in a variety of stores for adults, helping to increase the length and thickness of the penis, complemented by vibrating elements, which greatly diversify intimate life.